program for

program for
Assistance in obtaining information
Assistance in obtaining information
Change One Life Foundation is not only a charitable organisation that assists orphans in finding families, but has also maintained a 24/7 information centre since 2012.

More than 4,000 people visit our website daily. There you can find all necessary information about such themes: how to adopt a child; how to survive the period of adaptation; what kind of help children need in orphanages and what kind of support adoptive and foster parents need. Our news section is moderated by professional journalists.

The Foundation employees diligently answer questions from parents and specialists by phone, by mail, via the website and in personal correspondence through social media channels.

In 2015, we created a specific forum that allows any person to ask and discuss all questions concerning family arrangements for orphan-children.

The blogs on our website, which are led by not only adoptive mothers, but also adoptive fathers and even older adopted children, enjoy immense popularity. The invaluable experience of those people helps other families feel supported, consider their own possibilities and gain greater insight into themselves and their children.

The Foundation is also present in social media. We post updates several times a day and have nearly 200,000 followers.

Medical consultation
Medical consultation
There is no question more important for parents than the health of their children.

Since 2016, the Foundation has provided the opportunity for adoptive and foster families to receive free medical consultation.

What do diagnoses really mean in a child's orphanage record? To what extent do they correspond to reality? What should you pay special attention to? Which kinds of specialists should you visit with your child first?

Answers to these questions can be obtained by sending a child's medical record or a list of diagnoses. Experienced paediatricians consult parents.

Prevention of emotional burnout
Prevention of emotional burnout
The project, "Take a break" was launched in 2016 for the support of foster and adoptive families. The main goals of the project are to prevent emotional burnout of foster and adoptive families; to help parents work through crisis within their families and to prevent abandonment of an adopted child.

The project makes available the services of a child-minder for foster and adoptive parents free of charge. It gives them a chance to take a break from their daily routine and find some time for themselves in order to increase their potential as parents. Responsible and specially trained child-minders are provided by our partner company.

Training and psychological support for parents
Training and psychological support for parents
Since 2014, the Foundation has held free webinars for parents and specialists. Our speakers are professional psychologists, lawyers, teachers, experienced adopters, teachers from schools for adoptive parents and the like. All recordings of our webinars are available on our website.

Also, on a regular basis we hold free consultations via Skype for adoptive parents.

Educational assistance for adopted children
Educational assistance for adopted children
The charitable foundation "Change One Life" and online education centre "Foxford" provide access to online lessons according to school curriculum for adopted children free of charge. The goal of the project is to adapt adopted children for school and improve their school results as well as improve the quality of their knowledge in chosen subjects.

Families who received support:
- Life in Solomatiny family has changes after adoption of 2 children. "Take a break" program gave mother a chance to find some time for herself to increase her potential as a parent

- Olga has 3 adoptive children. "Take a break" program helps her to do some work when her little daughter cannot go to kindergarden

- "Take a break" program hepled Anastasya to find time to deal with lawers and guardianship authority. Thanks to these "breaks" she got a chance to adopt her daughter

- Sisters from Blagoveshchensk city were waiting for parents for 2 years. Kristina and Andrew overcame 8,000 kilometers to take the girls home. This happened with the support of Change one life foundation and our partners

Not everyone can adopt,
but everyone can help
Not everyone can adopt,
but everyone can help